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At the Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Art Education Center (Dubnov Campus), numerous art seminars and workshops for children and young people take place in a former school building attached to the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, alongside programs for adults. The 10 sessions a year are open to 30 children, half of whom are Jewish and half Arab. Two groups from after-school care institutions (from Neve Sharet and Charuv) take part in the events, which include workshops, meetings in the museum and art seminars. The program focuses on visual arts such as painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video art and printmaking.

The children are given the opportunity to get to know each other in a natural, neutral and culturally enriching environment. They can work together, bridging cultural differences while improving their artistic skills. The children are actively involved in the course, as this is the only way to advance their own learning process and promote the interaction and dialog between children from different cultures and religions that we take for granted.

With 350.00 EUR you enable a child to participate in 10 sessions per year.


You can download the application for child sponsorship here.



Last year, we expanded our "THE ART ROAD TO PEACE" children's sponsorship to include a workshop in which we support kindergarten children with a special offer. From an early age, children should find their way to peace through art. Four times a year, 10 kindergarten groups of up to 15 children take part in the "First Steps on the Art Road to Peace" peace project. At each meeting, the little ones receive art education. Through a combination of viewing, describing and creative action, they can develop skills in a playful way and get to know others with interest and tolerance in a creative environment. These encounters give children from different backgrounds the opportunity to overcome their fear of contact with each other at an early age. As the children are sometimes accompanied by their parents at these meetings, there is also the opportunity to encourage parents to engage in dialog with other cultures and religions.

With EUR 10,000.00 you can finance this child sponsorship for a whole year.


You can download the application for child sponsorship here.


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